Council to continue livestreaming Ordinary Meetings

Council to continue livestreaming Ordinary Meetings

Council to continue livestreaming Ordinary Meetings

Following the Queensland Government’s legislation amendment to extend a range of emergency COVID-19 measures to 30 April 2022, Council today announced it will continue to livestream Ordinary Meetings.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the legislation amendment provides an extension on a range of provisions for local government meetings which have helped Council adapt to disruptions caused by COVID-19.

“This extension from the Queensland Government ensures we can continue to keep our elected officials, Council employees and our community safe in our Council Meetings,” he said.

“In response to the extension of emergency COVID-19 measures and changing social distancing restrictions, Council will continue to livestream our fortnightly Ordinary Meetings, Special Meetings and Public Question Time, all of which the community can listen into live as well as listen back to at any time.

“While it’s unfortunate that we cannot invite our community to attend these meetings in person, these measures have shown to improve accessibility and allow more people in our community to get involved.

“Not only can listeners catch up on entire Council Meetings or specific items of interest anywhere anytime, we've seen an average of more than 60 listeners per meeting tune in which is far more people than we can accommodate in person in our chambers.

“I'm proud to see our community engaged in Council processes and, with this extension of time, we will continue to explore improvements to this service for our community, in addition to audio livestreaming we are looking in to video livestreaming.

“We appreciate our community’s patience and understanding as we continue to prioritise the health and safety of our residents and the broader community.

“Be sure to follow Council on Facebook, where we post the link to each livestream, or access direct on Council's website.”

The Queensland Government’s Public Health and Other Legislation (Further Extension of Expiring Provisions) Amendment Act 2021 directly impacts s277A-F of the Local Government Regulation 2012, which provides additional provisions on local government meetings.

Dates of upcoming Council Meetings, links to livestreams and past recordings can be found on Council’s website: