Local tourism operators to benefit from free digital marketing program

Tourism Marketing Assistance Program - Tommerups Dairy Farm

Scenic Rim tourism operators are being encouraged to apply for a new digital marketing assistance program to help showcase the attractions and experiences they offer to more people across the country.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council had received specific tourism bushfire recovery funding for this program, which will enable successful applicants to access free professional marketing assistance.

“Our many passionate and inspiring small tourism and events businesses were heavily impacted with reduced bookings following the bushfires,” he said.

“Through this program, successful applicants can receive professional photography, videography and copywriting services and training to improve their website and social media skills.

“They’ll receive professional visual and written content for their online promotions and can access a comprehensive development program with industry-leading providers to receive digital health checks, one-on-one mentoring and take away practical recommendations to help step-up their online marketing.

“We know that a spectacular image, engaging video or attention seeking written content might be the final push to convert a potential visitor planning a trip to make a booking or extend their stay in the Scenic Rim.”

As part of the project, successful applicants will also receive support in listing their business on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) which feeds more than 90,000 travel experiences across Australia to the online distribution platforms that their customers are using, including the new Visit Scenic Rim website and Visit Queensland website, as well as national tourism websites.

Cr Christensen said it is important for Scenic Rim tourism operators’ businesses to have a presence on the ATDW database to reap the benefits.

“Our local businesses deliver exceptional and authentic visitor experiences, and we know it can be a juggling act to operate all the aspects of a small business, including the marketing,” he said.

“Having a professional presence on the ATDW database will provide them with ongoing benefits, as well as showcasing the Scenic Rim as a world-class destination to travellers around Australia and beyond.

‘With expected results including increased visitation and expenditure, this will in turn help create jobs for our local people who work in and support our tourism industry.

“And it’s not just tour operators and accommodation providers that can apply,” Cr Christensen said.

“Applications are open for all local businesses that visitors may encounter, not just tours and accommodation, but also food and beverage providers, shopping experiences, transport and hire providers, events and more.”

The first round of applications is open now until Tuesday 3 August 2021. Download the application form, view the program guidelines and find out more at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/tourism-development

This program is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments as a component of the 2019 Queensland Bushfires Community Recovery Package under Category C of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.