Families choose playground design for Tamborine Memorial Park

Design drawings of the new playground equipment chosen by the community for the Tamborine Memorial Park, works starting in May.

Design drawings of the new playground equipment chosen by the community for the Tamborine Memorial Park, works starting in May.

Council has collaborated with the Tamborine District Citizens Association (TDCA Inc) and the Tamborine Memorial Hall Management Committee to design a new playground that better suits the needs of local families.

Scenic Rim Regional Council Division 2 Councillor Jeff McConnell said that Tamborine Memorial Park is a central piece of the village's social infrastructure and that thanks to funding from the Queensland Government's COVID Works for Queensland program the ageing playground will be upgraded.

"Three concepts were developed by Council's access and disability industry experts and I'm delighted to say that through social media and displays at community markets, supported by the TDCA Inc, we've been able to deliver what the local families want," Cr McConnell said.

"With recent upgrades to the park's tennis court, toilets and the Tamborine Memorial Hall, new playground equipment will make the Tamborine Memorial Park even more inviting for locals and visitors alike.

"There will be a variety of play activities accessible at the ground level and, for older children who use the park while waiting for the school bus, there is a custom tower with a variety of nets and balance links for agile play," he said.

Tamborine District Citizens Association spokesman Joe Jackson said the Association polled the three concepts on Facebook and at the markets so families could vote for their favourite.

"We were actively involved in the consultation because we know local residents are looking for things to do and places to meet," he said.

Tamborine Memorial Hall President Nicole Pardilanan said Council's playgrounds and green spaces are essential for residents' physical and mental health.

"This new playground will bring more families together because we've collectively chosen the design that best suits our growing community and it gives students a safe place to gather before and after school," Ms Pardilanan said.

The Tamborine Memorial Park Playground Project is an initiative of the Queensland Government's COVID Works for Queensland program.

Works will commence in May and is part of Council's ongoing commitment to developing vibrant towns and villages and supports its Playground Strategy.

In addition to the custom tower new equipment will also include a three-dimensional yard net; sensory and manipulative play panels; and a three bay swing, with a toddler seat, classic swing seat and a bird's nest seat. The height of the bird's nest seat allows for easy transfer from a wheelchair or walker.

The playground will be closed for the duration of the works with onsite signage. The majority of works will be undertaken between the hours of 7am and 5pm. Some activities may be undertaken outside these hours to accelerate the completion of the works.

Council acknowledges there may be a level of inconvenience to park users, business owners, pedestrians and motorists while these works are being undertaken. Within stages of the project some parking will be restricted, however, every endeavour will be made to minimise disruption.

Any enquiries regarding the work should be directed to Council on 07 5540 5111 or mail@scenicrim.qld.gov.au quoting "Tamborine Memorial Park Playground Project".