New accommodation a boost for Scenic Rim tourism

Artists' impressions of the two bedroom cabin, which will be located at The Overflow Estate 1895.

Artists' impressions of the two bedroom cabin, which will be located at The Overflow Estate 1895.

The Scenic Rim will be able to welcome more visitors after a local winery and cellar door secured Queensland Government funding to build five sustainable cabins at Lake Wyaralong.

Announced on Tuesday by the Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Minister for Tourism Industry Development and Innovation and Minister for Sport, The Overflow Estate 1895, in collaboration with Wander Retreats Pty Ltd, will establish the high-end, light footprint accommodation through a $1.33 million Queensland Government's Growing Tourism Infrastructure Fund grant.

The sustainable Wanderpods will complement the Overflow's existing cellar door, dining and event hosting activities and be positioned in a secluded way, to make the most of the natural scenery of Lake Wyaralong and surrounding bushland. The Overflow will lease the pods to Wander, who will manage, market and operate them.

The Overflow Estate’s David Morgan said he was very excited about the project and extremely grateful for the funding.

“We’re really excited to finally be able to make this announcement and get this project underway,” he said.

“The five luxury cabins will be strategically set throughout the property with locations chosen specifically for elevation, views, privacy and accessibility.

“The cabins will be a mixture of single- and double-bedroom designs to cater for couples, families or groups of friends craving a rural setting for time away to recharge the biological batteries.

“Visitors to our cellar door and restaurant have gone from strength-to-strength even as we’ve metamorphosed due to COVID-19, and guests are lining up to enjoy Richard Ousby’s culinary delights on weekends - a partnership that is also showcasing the Scenic Rim’s great produce credentials.

“Being able to add accommodation to our offering provides somewhere for visitors to base themselves and also explore other parts of the region.

“We’re so grateful for the funding, and also to Council for their ongoing support throughout this process.”

Scenic Rim Regional Council CEO Jon Gibbons said Council welcomed the news after months of working with the Overflow Estate on the opportunity that would bring long-term economic benefits to the region.

“We are really excited that the Minister has now made the announcement, as our Regional Prosperity team worked closely with the Overflow Estate, initially alerting them to the funding opportunity, conducting economic modelling, assisting with the application and providing formal advice of Council’s support for the initiative,” he said.

"This is all part of Council’s case management approach to support business and industry development with the aim of creating ongoing jobs for locals.

“The new cabins will bring much needed visitor accommodation to the region providing an in excess of 2,000 visitor nights per year, contributing to, and growing, the Scenic Rim’s $204 million tourism industry.

"Wander will connect its operations with local tourism activity and food and beverage operators, so the benefits of this new accommodation will extend across the Scenic Rim."

Council officers are working with the proponents to ensure the project meets with all Council requirements.

The project aligns with the Scenic Rim Tourism Strategy 2017-2021, Tourism Australia's Tourism 2020 targets and the Queensland 2020 vision. Additionally, the development will align with the focus of Tourism and Events Queensland, Brisbane Marketing and Destination Gold Coast on visitor experience and experience development.

This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government’s Growing Tourism Infrastructure Fund.

Images: Artists' impression of the two bedroom cabin, which will be located at The Overflow Estate 1895.