Local students connect with industry

McAuley College students and staff

Students from across the region will descend on Beaudesert this Thursday as Council hosts a Scenic Rim Business and Careers Expo.

Held at the Beaudesert Showgrounds, Scenic Rim Mayor said almost 500 high school children will be attending to meet with a variety of employers from across the region.

"Students from Beaudesert, Boonah, Kooralbyn and Tamborine Mountain will be part of the many attendees on the day who will have access to meet with more than 30 exhibitors representing local businesses and support services," he said.

"The aim of the event is for people to make connections and learn more about local employment opportunities, whether they are looking now or in the future.

"Attendees, regardless of age, will be able to enquire about career and training pathways, as well as find out information about apprenticeships and traineeships."

Jayne Heit, Pathways Leader from McAuley College in Beaudesert said the World of Work was a great opportunity for their students.

"The Scenic Rim World of Work Expo will be a wonderful opportunity for our Year 9 students to become more intentional in the career and pathways considerations, and to open up possibilities that exist in their own backyard," she said.

"Career pathways are extremely important for our students, and we provide a range of pathways for students, which are all equally valued.

"Our priority is to work with each student to map out a pathway that suits their skills and interests, as well as keeping their options open post school."

Prior to the World of Work event, Council is hosting a business breakfast at the Centre, where McAuley College hospitality students will also be helping out to gain some valuable experience.

Ms Heit said subjects such as Hospitality Practices and other applied and certificate courses, provide a focus on practical and hands on learning which provides an immediate link to work beyond school, as well as further study.

"The Scenic Rim Business Breakfast is just one opportunity where our students can provide that service, while also gaining valuable experience in the field of hospitality," she said.

"McAuley College prides itself on being an active member of the Scenic Rim community, and as such we value any opportunity to be of service."

Cr Christensen said having the students interacting with the Scenic Rim business community was a unique way to give them experience and important exposure to local businesses.

"These wonderful students will be able to gain hands on experiences with their studies, while only a few kilometres from their school," he said.

"The breakfast provides a great connection between our business community and our young people, who will play a key role in our region's future."

The Scenic Rim World of Work will be held at the Beaudesert Showgrounds on Thursday 18 March from 10.00am until 2.30pm. More information is available at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/world-of-work

Image: McAuley College students Josh Brown, Annalise Heit, Abi Henry and Jayne Heit, Pathways Leader are looking forward to being part of the Scenic Rim Business Breakfast next Thursday