Statement: Dangerous dog


Council refers to its statement published 3 December 2020 in relation to a dog, which is the subject of a dangerous dog declaration and destruction order made by the Council on 6 November 2017 following a number of attacks on people by the dog.

In accordance with the order of the Queensland Court of Appeal on 25 November 2020, the dog was humanely euthanised by an independent veterinarian (in the presence of a secondary independent veterinarian) on 9 January 2021.

For further information regarding the matter, please refer to the following:

It is important to note that there is a non-publication order in place in respect of this matter, which, among other orders, prohibits the publication of “all information which enables a person who has appeared before the Tribunal or is affected by the proceedings, including Council officers and other persons who provided or prepared documents …, to be identified”, excluding the name of the owner of the dog and the Council.  See:  Cutbush v Scenic Rim Regional Council [2018] QCAT 139 and order four of Cutbush v Scenic Rim Regional Council [2019] QCAT 80

It is a criminal offence to contravene a decision of the Tribunal, including a non-publication order.