annual report WEB 201920
Progress marking the beginning of a new chapter in the region's story is detailed in Scenic Rim Regional Council's 2018-19 Annual Report.
Mayor Greg Christensen said while some parts of the region are still battling bushfires, the report demonstrates the region's resilience in recovering from natural disasters with the completion of all ground works in a program of recovery following Ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie.
"I am pleased to say that, two years after the most significant flooding experienced in our region in the past two decades, we have not just recovered, we have made great improvements to our Council roads," Cr Christensen said.
"Credit must go to the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments, for their joint funding through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements, and Council is grateful to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority for its support and collaboration, which has been a great example of inter-agency cooperation delivering real results for our community."
Chief Executive Officer Jon Gibbons said the Annual Report also details progress in Council's Refresh and Refocus program, which commenced in 2018, to foster renewed leadership and accountability to promote a more efficient and team-focused workforce.
"In 2018, our tenth year as an amalgamated Council, we introduced a program to Refresh and Refocus the organisation to ensure it continues to mature and becomes even more effective, efficient and agile in its delivery of services and infrastructure to the Scenic Rim community," he said.
"Our new structure will ensure the focus is always on our customer to support the efficient and effective delivery of services and facilities and provide the best value for ratepayers
"This year's Annual Report also has a fresh new look and content improvements and we are proud of this outcome and its improved readability and accessibility for our community," Mr Gibbons said.
Council's performance in 2018-19 has been reported against the themes, which capture the shared vision for the region's future, as outlined in the Community Plan 2011-2026.
"This is an exciting time in the growth and development of our region and our continued focus on our mission of enabling community and environmental sustainability will ensure our communities are even greater places to live," Mr Gibbons said.
The Annual Report and Financial Statements, prepared in line with the Local Government Act 2009 and approved by the Queensland Audit Office, is now available for downloading from Council's website and for viewing at Council's libraries and Customer Service Centres.