
A local theatre production that will shine a spotlight on digital addiction will be supported by Scenic Rim Regional Council.

At its Ordinary Meeting this week, Council approved an allocation of $7500 for the Goat Track Theatre Company's production of The Changelings as part of the second round of the Regional Arts Development Fund.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the project aimed to involve young people in creating a stage play that re-imagined changeling myths to explore the very topical issue of online addiction.

"The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between Council and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and supports projects that offer professional arts, cultural and heritage opportunities to local communities," he said.

"In recommending support for The Changelings, the Scenic Rim Arts Reference Group considered the project's merit and Goat Track Theatre Company's record in staging innovative productions for the Scenic Rim community."

Arts Reference Group Chair Cr Nadia O'Carroll said that funding would assist the Goat Track Theatre Company in meeting some of the production costs of sets, costumes and design elements for the production.

"Goat Track Theatre Company not only produces fine cultural works but also engages and involves young people of our community, both as participants and audience members, in exploring contemporary issues," she said.

Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said the Palaszczuk Government was proud to continue its RADF partnership with local governments with an investment of $2.08 million, through Arts Queensland, for the 2019-20 fund. 

“This investment will support the delivery of hundreds of arts experiences and professional development opportunities across the state,” Ms Enoch said.

“Projects funded through RADF provide pathways for learning, contribute to the creation of jobs, foster creativity and boost cultural tourism.”