Davidson Park in Beaudesert has been endorsed by Scenic Rim Regional Council as the preferred location for a new community hub and library as part of its Vibrant Towns and Villages Program to revitalise the town centre.
Mayor Greg Christensen said that $200,000 in funding from the Queensland Government's Maturing Infrastructure Pipeline Program will enable two detailed concepts to be developed, one for a stand-alone building and another for an integrated facility that would incorporate a portion of the existing Council administration building on Brisbane Street.
"Council has previously taken concepts for a Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages solution for the Beaudesert Town Centre to community consultation and heard clear feedback which required us to develop solutions for the area north of the Brisbane Street/William Street intersection," he said.
"In all of our Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages initiatives, our objective is to deliver a built environment which resonates with residents and yields a social and economic dividend for our communities.
"As each stage of this project progresses, Council will be communicating with the community to share more of the concepts to finalise the way forward in the Beaudesert precinct."
The community hub and library is one facet of the Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages Program for Beaudesert which has been allocated $13.3 million in Council's 2019-20 Budget.
The program includes the $10.72 million expansion of the Beaudesert Business Park - funded with a $5 million contribution from the Queensland Government under the Building Our Regions Fund - a $1 million investment by Council in the first stages of improving traffic movements in Selwyn Street and $550,000 towards improving drainage in the Beaudesert town centre.
"This is not an exercise in beautification - there is a direct correlation between proactive revitalisation of public spaces into vibrant places resulting in enhanced economic growth, jobs creation and community vitality," Cr Christensen said.