Kooralbyn valley

More than $2.7 million of roadworks at Beechmont and $1 million at Kooralbyn headline Scenic Rim Regional Council's $11.98 million road construction program for 2019-20.

Mayor Greg Christensen said Council's continuing investment in the region's 1800-kilometre local road network reflected the shared Community Plan vision for the Scenic Rim as an accessible and serviced region.

"This is a core function of Council and reflects the community's expectation that we will deliver an infrastructure program which maintains and improves our local road network," he said.

"Our network of roads and bridges not only connects our communities but also plays a key role in driving our regional economy.

"Well maintained transport infrastructure offers improved safety for road users and increased productivity for industry - including our tourism industry."

In addition to the works at Beechmont and Kooralbyn, key projects to upgrade roads to current standards for width, with improved drainage and smoother surfaces, are planned in 2019-20 for:

  • Edward Street, Beaudesert ($918,000)
  • Christmas Creek Road, Christmas Creek ( $755,000)
  • Meier Street, Peak Crossing ($636,000)
  • Brookland Road, Allenview ($600,000)
  • Josephville Road, Josephville ($568,000)
  • Undullah Road, Kagaru ($534,000), and
  • Boyland Road, Boyland (440,000).

"Council is committed to the sustainable delivery of projects which meet long-term infrastructure needs and the demands of our growing community," Cr Christensen said.

Council's 2019-20 Budget also includes $3.05 million for road reseals across the region, $424,000 for minor works, including pavement repairs, and $332,000 for road design.

More than $4.08 million has also been allocated to the rehabilitation and replacement of bridges throughout the region in 2019-20.

"We are committed to ensuring the best value to our ratepayers through our investment in infrastructure that provides the impetus for the ongoing growth and economic development and stands the test of time," Cr Christensen said.