Councillor Duncan McInnes has been elected Deputy Mayor of Scenic Rim Regional Council in line with its commitment to annually review representational roles.
Cr McInnes, who has represented the communities of Division 6 since 2012, has also served as Chair of Council's Finance Committee since May 2017.
At its 2016 post-election meeting, Council resolved to review the Deputy Mayor's position annually, to enhance capacity among Councillors, and provide an opportunity for them to share responsibilities as Committee Chairs.
Since then, Cr Nigel Waistell and Cr Nadia O'Carroll have served as Deputy Mayor and Cr McInnes follows Cr Rick Stanfield (Division 5) who was Deputy Mayor for the past year under these arrangements.
Mayor Greg Christensen moved a motion of thanks and appreciation for Cr Stanfield's service as Deputy Mayor during a period of change for the Council organisation.
"The balance and understanding he has brought to the process resulted in strong outcomes and his role as a sounding board and second voice has been greatly appreciated," Cr Christensen said.
Cr Stanfield thanked his fellow Councillors for the opportunity to serve as Deputy Mayor and wished Cr McInnes all the best in his new role.
Cr McInnes said he was pleased to accept the nomination and thanked his colleagues for their vote of confidence.
"Representing the residents of Scenic Rim is always an honour and I look forward to fulfilling the important duties of Deputy Mayor," he said.
While the annual appointment of Council's Committee Chairs was due for review this month, it was decided to extend their term to 30 June as Council's Standing Committees will be disbanded on July 1 when a new meeting structure takes effect.
Until then Cr Michael Enright (Division 4) will continue as Corporate and Community Services Committee Chair, Cr Nigel Waistell (Division 1) will continue as Planning and Development Committee Chair and Cr Duncan McInnes will remain Finance Committee Chair.