Rates Reprieve For Drought Declared Properties
Drought declared landholders in the Scenic Rim have been granted rates reprieve to ease the significant financial impact of ongoing drought in the region.
The Scenic Rim was among several local government areas to be officially drought declared by Agriculture Minister Mark Furner on 1 May, bringing nearly two thirds of Queensland into a state of drought declaration.
To alleviate the pressure on landholders impacted by drought, the Scenic Rim Regional Council resolved in February to allow discretionary extensions to the rates discount period by up to three months.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen, who strongly advocated on behalf of primary producers for a region-wide drought declaration, said discretionary extensions to the rates discount period could make a significant difference to someone battling drought.
"We recognise that every dollar counts and timing can be everything during these seriously challenging circumstances many of our landholders are facing through prolonged drought in the region," he said.
"Through listening to landholders in the Scenic Rim, Council was able to offer this measure of support acknowledging the realities of drought prior to the region being officially drought declared.
"I encourage primary producers experiencing financial hardship through the drought to speak with a Council officer next time rates notices are issued about accessing this extended rates discount period, to take some of the pressure off."
Land owners in need of drought assistance in the Scenic Rim should phone the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Business Information Centre on 13 25 23 or visit www.daf.qld.gov.au
For the latest drought-declaration map, visit https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/drought/drought-declarations/