New footpath gets top marks from school community

Image of footpath

The new footpath along the southern approach to Tamborine Mountain's St Bernard State School.

Walking to and from school is now even safer for students and their parents following the construction of a footpath along the southern approach to Tamborine Mountain's St Bernard State School. 

The $162,000 project funded jointly by Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads under the School Transport Infrastructure Program has been welcomed by the school and wider community following its recent completion. 

Scenic Rim's Transport and Infrastructure Portfolio Councillor Duncan McInnes said that, prior to the completion of the new footpath, students living south-west of the school did not have a safe route to walk to school along School Road from St Bernard and Fern streets. 

"Students had to walk along the side traffic lane and cross the road at some point without a designated crossing," he said. 

"The lack of a path, and longstanding shade trees which made conditions slippery in wet weather, also created a hazard for pedestrians." 

The 85-metre section of footpath includes two new kerb ramps, galvanised steel bike-safe handrails and link block retaining walls. 

Cr McInnes said Council was grateful for the Queensland Government's support through the School Transport Infrastructure Program which provides funding to improve the safety and operation of schools through new or improved infrastructure at schools or their surrounding road network. 

"As well as making the road to school safer for students, this section of footpath will benefit all pedestrians in the local area," he said.