Community offered a further say in saleyards' future

Community consultation commencing Monday 16 December will inform Scenic Rim Regional Council's decisions on the future use of the Beaudesert Pig and Calf Saleyards.
Acknowledging the saleyards as a socially significant site, Council in July committed to further community consultation before progressing concept plans for the adaptive reuse of the saleyards which closed in 2021 following construction of a new purpose-built and privately owned facility at Silverdale.
Scenic Rim Mayor Tom Sharp said Council was committed to listening to the community's views on the future of the saleyards site to ensure a sense of partnership in the ongoing development of the project as part of the Davidson Park enhancements.
"While previous community consultation in 2023 predominantly supported Council's plans and concept design for the saleyards, this latest survey provides for wider consultation and more effective community involvement," Cr Sharp said.
"This final phase of community engagement aims to gather community insights and perspective to understand locals' connection to the site.
"Beaudesert's Pig and Calf Saleyards were not only a place to do business but also a hub of social and community connection for farmers and residents from outlying areas who were isolated by distance.
"It is important that all stakeholders feel their voice has been heard in the ongoing development of the site which was once at the heart of community life."
Council engaged Capire Consulting Group as an independent community engagement specialist to deliver targeted stakeholder interviews which have shaped the wider and more inclusive community engagement phase to consider all ideas for the site.
Results of the previous community engagement and concept designs for the saleyards can be viewed at
The final phase of the community consultation will run from 16 December 2024 to 14 February 2025.
The online survey will be available on the Let's Talk Scenic Rim community engagement platform from 16 December 2024.
The survey will also be able to be downloaded and can be sent to Council by email, by post or delivered in person to one of Council's Administration or Customer Service Centres.
"I encourage everyone to make the most of this opportunity to share their views on the future use of the saleyards site which may provide innovative solutions which have not yet been considered," Cr Sharp said.
"The Beaudesert town centre gateway precinct has been developed to celebrate our rural heritage and the saleyards site, along with the former Beaudesert railway station, are part of this wider project which will enhance the liveability of our community.
"The results of the community feedback on the saleyards will be reviewed and then considered by Council mid-2025."