Community Recovery

Following the intense storms in December 2023 / January 2024 that occurred in the Scenic Rim region, a range of disaster assistance has been activated to support impacted Queenslanders.

For individuals

Human and social recovery relates to the emotional, social, physical and psychological health and well-being of individuals, families and communities following a disaster.  Personal Hardship Assistance is available to residents in affected areas. Supports include payments for emergency essentials like food, clothing and medicine, to help uninsured owner-occupiers make their home safe to live in, to reconnect essential utilities, and to replace essential household contents.


The effects of a disaster on the economic environment can be classified in terms of direct and indirect impacts. The tangible impacts can usually be given a monetary value and may include loss of tourism, employment opportunities and reduction in cash flow for businesses.


The effects of a disaster on the natural environment may be a direct result of the disaster or through a secondary impact or flow on from the disaster response or recovery process. Impacts to the environment may include damage or loss of flora and fauna, poor air quality, reduced water quality, land degradation and contamination, or damage to heritage listed places.

Our Environment

Incidents and Env recovery



Incorporates, Building and Roads and Transport functional groups. The effects of a disaster on the built environment often result in damage and disruption which inhibits the capacity of essential services and services such as housing, accommodation, education and health facilities.

The effects of a disaster on transport networks, including road, rail, aviation and maritime normally result in difficulty accessing communities and disruption to critical supply chains (both within and outside of the impacted area). Restoration of these networks, or the identification of alternatives, is a priority in disaster recovery.
