Help shine a spotlight on our community champions
![Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen congratulates Wilson Neuendorf on his award for Citizen of the Year (65+ Years).](/scenicrim/images/Wilson_Aus_Day.jpg)
Flashback to the 2022 Australia Day Awards - Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen congratulates Wilson Neuendorf on his award for Citizen of the Year (65+ Years).
Nominations are now open for the 2023 Scenic Rim Australia Day Awards, celebrating the contribution of grassroots groups and community champions across the region.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council’s awards provided a valuable opportunity to give centre stage to those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make a difference in the lives of others and their communities.
“We all know people worthy of recognition, who are the heart and soul of our community, giving of themselves and their time to make the Scenic Rim such a wonderful place to live and enjoy family life,” he said.
“Now’s the time to repay that commitment and take a few minutes to nominate someone special - a friend, family member, work colleague or community leader - for their contribution to our region."
Nominations for the 2023 Scenic Rim Australia Day Awards are open from Monday 3 October to Monday 21 November 2022 in four categories:
- Community Event of the Year Award, for the individual, group or organisation which has staged the most outstanding community event, including online events, in the Scenic Rim region during 2022.
- Citizen of the Year Award (16-30), for an exceptional young person who is accomplishing great things in all walks of life and making an outstanding contribution to the Scenic Rim community. Nominees must be between 16 and 30 years of age as at 26 January 2023.
- Citizen of the Year Award (31-65), for someone who has been an inspirational role model to the Scenic Rim community over a number of years. Nominees must be between 31 and 65 years of age as at 26 January 2023.
- Citizen of the Year Award (65+ years), for an inspirational role model, who inspires others in the Scenic Rim to be a friendly, caring and engaged community. This person will have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the local community over a number of years and had a positive impact on a wide range of people in the Scenic Rim. Nominees must be 65 years or older as at 26 January 2023.
A special Mayor's Award, recognising outstanding overall achievement, is also presented to an individual chosen from the nominees across all categories.
Mayor Christensen said the series of challenges which had impacted the region in recent years, including bushfire, flood and the COVID-19 pandemic had highlighted the strength of character in the Scenic Rim and the importance of volunteers and community organisations.
"I believe it's really important for us, as a community, to acknowledge people who play key roles in our region and to shine a spotlight on those who so often work quietly behind the scenes.
"Our Australia Day Awards are one way to say thank you to those whose contribution to our communities throughout 2022 - and often over many years – makes a difference to so many in our region.”
Winner of this year’s Citizen of the Year Award (65+ years), was Wilson Neuendorf who, although well in his 80s, continues to work for the Boonah, Kalbar and wider Scenic Rim communities.
He served two terms as a Boonah Shire Councillor and has been a driving force behind numerous organisations including the Kalbar Progress Association, Kalbar Credit Union (now Kalbar Bendigo Community Bank), Templin Museum and Kalbar Baptist Church.
"I was honoured to be nominated and, wow, I won an award," Mr Neuendorf said.
"It's great to have your contribution recognised.
"The Scenic Rim Australia Day Awards are a great event, bringing the community together, and Australia Day makes me proud of my nation.
"Let's find the things that unite us and not those that divide us."
For further information on the 2023 Scenic Rim Australia Day Awards, or to nominate an individual or event, visit Council’s website