Tamborine Mountain Gallery Walk Precinct



Tamborine Mountain Gallery Walk Precinct (the Precinct) is an important regional visitor destination located on Long Road on Tamborine Mountain, on a State controlled road.  

It a shopping and hospitality precinct that services Tamborine Mountain locals and visitors with more than 70 specialty shops. Located on Long Road, Eagle Heights, it is an important regional visitor destination on Tamborine Mountain. 

In 2022, community provide feedback on the draft concept design.  Community participation in the consultation process was invaluable in shaping the project.  The final concept design was influenced by this feedback, and Council progressed the project to secure funding for the construction of stage one. 

As part of Council's ongoing commitment to deliver projects that invest in new infrastructure and essential services for community, construction of Stage One will begin on a new off-road car park to ease traffic congestion on Gallery Walk.  This project is jointly funded by the Queensland Government's South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program and Scenic Rim Regional Council. 

The project includes footpath improvements, a new pedestrian crossing for increased safety, and minor upgrades to public toilet facilities on Long Road.  Additionally, there will be enhancements such as increased public seating, landscaping, and improved signage to showcase the precinct's unique identity.   

The construction project will be delivered in two stages.   

Click here for the latest Notification of Works 


Construction Works | Stage One  

Stage One will focus on the construction of the off-street parking to the east of Long Road.  Once funded, Stage Two will involve additional off-street parking construction, along with improvement works on Long Road. 

When will it happen? 

Works will commence at the end of February 2025 and are expected to take 12 months, weather and construction conditions permitting.  Works will generally occur between 6:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, with the exception of proposed night works to minimise disruptions during the day and impact to the public.   

Where will it happen? 

The construction works will occur within and adjacent to 126 Long Road, Tamborine Mountain.  Please refer the notification of works February 2025. 

Council acknowledges there will be inconvenience to local residents, business owners, pedestrians and motorists while these works are being undertaken.  Please continue to support local business during these important works. 


Any enquiries regarding the works should be directed to Council on (07) 5540 5111 or by email to mail@scenicrim.qld.gov.au quoting 'Tamborine Mountain Gallery Walk Construction'. 

Subscribe to Let’s Talk Scenic Rim (https://letstalk.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/) community engagement platform to receive email updates and notifications. 

Proudly funded by the Queensland Government's South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program in association with Scenic Rim Regional Council. 



Previous Community Consultation  

To view all previous community consultation information, visit:  https://letstalk.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/gallery-walk 

Consultation pre-concept (August- September 2021) 

Survey, Listening Post, Facilitated Meetings 

Before any concepts were designed, Council surveyed the community and asked these key questions of users of the Gallery Walk Precinct. 

  • What do you value about the area? 

  • How do you use it? 

  • What would you like to see changed and what do you think should stay the same? 

Council also hosted facilitated stakeholder meetings with representatives from community groups, Gallery Walk businesses and landlords to help the project team evaluate the best options for the concept designs.  

The concept designs involved continued consultation with the Department of Transport and Main Roads because Gallery Walk Precinct is located on Tamborine Mountain’s Long Road, which is a State controlled road. 


Feedback on concept designs (February 2022) 

Concept designs captured the community feedback and identify options for a broad scope of works and provide the general look and feel of what the Gallery Walk Precinct could offer.  


Final concept presented  

Following the February 2022 consultation, Council will decide and present back to the community the final preferred concept design in early 2022. The final preferred design concept will also be available for viewing via an Open House and at two static displays on Long Road, Tamborine Mountain.  


Business Case 

To ensure the final concept design provides good value for money, a costed business case will be prepared that will outline the construction, operation and maintenance costs over the determined life of the project and compare these to the tangible and intangible benefits the Gallery Walk Precinct can bring in terms of economic, social, environmental and cultural improvements. 

This project is focused on the end goal of sourcing the funding needed for specific improvements and upgrades to Tamborine Mountain Gallery Walk Precinct. 

Using the business case Council will seek grant funding from all tiers of government to progress to construction phase.  


Additional information 

Media Release | 9 August 2021 | Community input sought for the Tamborine Mountain Gallery Walk Precinct Business Case  

Background Information | 9 August 2021 | Frequently Asked Questions  

Proudly funded by the Queensland Government's South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program in association with Scenic Rim Regional Council. 

Updated 3 March 2025.