20 December: Eleven trainees have graduated from the Conservation and Land Management (CaLM) program after helping restore the historic Binna Burra Lodge campgrounds.
20 December: A feature artwork telling the Scenic Rim's stories has been unveiled as a spectacular entry statement to Beaudesert.
20 December: Scenic Rim Regional Council shares the Tamborine Mountain community's concern to ensure we do all that is possible to protect the Tamborine Mountain aquifer from unnecessary impacts.
12 December: Councillors will discuss proceeding with a Climate Change Statement of Intent at Council's first meeting in January 2020.
11 December: Four arts projects in the Scenic Rim will share in $25,000 of grants through the Regional Arts Development Fund.
10 December: Scenic Rim communities have made a significant contribution in preserving and enhancing the region's unique biodiversity.
10 December: Council has approved the renaming of Dugandan Oval to Ron Bushby Oval in honour of the late Fassifern cricket stalwart.
10 December: Council has made a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the management of the Inland Rail Project.
10 December: Communities across the Scenic Rim will have access to a new and improved mobile library service in the coming year.
3 December: Scenic Rim residents are invited to learn more about the Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation project at an information session being hosted by Scenic Rim Regional Council next week.
29 November: Scenic Rim Regional Council is on a journey to change the way it does business with its customers across the region.
27 November: Projects to help conserve threatened species, eliminate invasive weeds and restore native habitat have been supported with more than $100,000 from Council.
26 November: Progress marking the beginning of a new chapter in the region's story is detailed in Scenic Rim Regional Council's 2018-19 Annual Report.
16 November: Scenic Rim Regional Council has set its Ordinary Meeting dates for January to March 2020 in the lead-up to the Queensland local government elections.
16 November: Scenic Rim residents have helped shape the region's future through their input into the region's first draft Planning Scheme, endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Meeting this week.