Official opening a red-letter day for Tamborine Mountain Library

Image of ribbon cutting at Tamborine Mountain Library

Officially opening the Tamborine Mountain Library are (from left) Uncle Steve Watson who provided the Welcome to Country, National Emergency Management Agency Director George Hodgson, Cr Virginia West, Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen, Queensland Reconst

Scenic Rim Regional Council has thanked the Australian and Queensland governments for funding which has transformed the Tamborine Mountain Library into a vibrant community hub.

Catering for all ages and interests, the library was officially opened today by Mayor Greg Christensen, Councillor Amanda Hay and Queensland Reconstruction Authority CEO Major General Jake Ellwood (Retd) joined by National Emergency Management Agency Director George Hodgson representing Minister for Emergency Management Senator Murray Watt.

An investment of more than $2.14 million through the Local Economic Recovery (LER) Program to support areas impacted by the 2019 Queensland bushfires has delivered a new facility almost three times the size of the former library space on the site of the former IGA supermarket within the Main Street shopping centre at Tamborine Mountain.

Mayor Christensen said the new library had been wholeheartedly embraced by the Tamborine Mountain community with a 30 per cent surge in attendance soon after it opened to the public in July. More than 20,000 visitors passed through the library's door during the first quarter of the 2023-2024 financial year.

"We've seen a marked increase in borrowings as well as the use of computers within the library and its use as a study space," Mayor Christensen said.

"Members of the community have welcomed the availability of the new meeting rooms and children adore the loft reading space.

"New events are being held in the maker space and the library now has a staff member dedicated to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) activities.

"In addition, the Friends of the Library have been able to boost their fundraising through their Book Cabinet shop front near the library's outdoor area, which provides a space for community events and school holiday and group activities."

Major General Ellwood said the new Tamborine Mountain Library embodies the resilience of the Scenic Rim and its people.

“This official opening is a reminder of how communities pull together following disaster events, not only to recover but to rebound better and stronger than before,” Major General Ellwood said.

“The QRA is proud to have played a part in making this facility a reality through the state and federal Local Economic Recovery Program.

“In total seven Scenic Rim projects have been funded through the LER Program, representing an investment of more than $3.6 million into the region.

“This library revitalisation is a wonderful outcome for the community, delivering a facility that will continue bringing people together for years to come.”

The new library features:

  • a wider range of books and resources
  • dedicated areas for children and young people
  • meeting rooms and study areas
  • an expanded customer service area
  • a dedicated space for the Friends of the Library group
  • a new makerspace
  • new furnishings including seating for casual gatherings, and
  • a wheelchair accessible toilet and baby change room.

Division 1 Councillor Amanda Hay said the need for an expanded library space to meet community needs was first identified in 2016 and community consultation in 2021 had been key to the planning process.

"This new facility has exceeded the expectations of many library users and Council is grateful for the funding support which has enabled us to realise our vision for this space as a focal point for community life," she said.

"We look forward to welcoming community members of all ages and abilities to the range of events to be hosted by the library during the December holidays."

Assistance for this project has been provided through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.