RSVP ASAP for International Women's Day Breakfast

RSVP ASAP for International Women's Day Breakfast

Council is inviting women from across the Scenic Rim community to celebrate International Women's Day with a free breakfast featuring two inspirational speakers next month.

With the theme Press for Progress, the International Women's Day breakfast will be held on Wednesday 7 March at The Centre Beaudesert and, as numbers are limited for this popular event, RSVPs must be received by Council by Wednesday 28 February.

Mayor Greg Christensen, who will co-host the event with Deputy Mayor Nadia O'Carroll, encouraged Scenic Rim women to make the most of a valuable networking opportunity and be inspired by speakers Jenny Bailey and Annabel McKay.

"As our Australia Day Ambassador, Annabel impressed everyone at last month's Australia Day awards and citizenship ceremony in Beaudesert," he said.

"Born at just 26 weeks' gestation, she has overcome profound, bilateral sensory neural hearing loss and went on to realise her dream of becoming a nurse.

"In 2013, Annabel was the sole recipient of the Australian Graduation Nurse of the Year and received the Pride of Australia Medal for Care and Compassion. She was then nominated as an Australian of the Year in 2014 and 2015."

Former newspaper editor and ABC radio journalist Jenny Bailey also has an inspirational story to tell, as the wife of quadriplegic farmer Sam Bailey who has made a name for himself on the public speaking circuit.

Jenny says she is more used to being out of the spotlight at public speaking events, but is looking forward to being part of the International Women’s Day breakfast at Beaudesert.

“Sam will have to take a back seat for a change but, don’t worry, he’ll be there," she said.

Bookings for the breakfast, which begins at 6.45am, are essential due to limited places. To RSVP, phone 5540 5399 or email as soon as possible and no later than Wednesday 28 February.