Council approves its fees and charges for 2022-2023


Scenic Rim Regional Council has adopted its fees and charges for the 2022-2023 year, with a focus on cost recovery and minimising the financial burden on ratepayers.

At its Ordinary Meeting this week, Council approved its Register of Fees and Charges, effective 1 July 2022, for businesses and individuals for a range of services and facilities ranging from animal management to waste services.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council’s fees and charges represented a key component of its annual budget, considering overall rates for residents and businesses in its drafting, and ensured that cost-recovery principles were applied.

“The estimated revenue from Council’s fees and charges for 2022-2023 is forecast to contribute $6.269 million towards Council's revenue budget for the year ahead,” he said.

"The adopted fees and charges recognise the significant array of services that Council does deliver and demonstrates our commitment to minimising the general burden on ratepayers via this user-pays approach."

Council’s Register of Fees and Charges is now available on its website