Let’s Talk: Scenic Rim’s first draft Agribusiness and Agritourism Roadmap

Scenic Rim’s first draft Agribusiness and Agritourism Roadmap

Community consultation is now open for residents to have their say on the draft Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism Industry Development 10-Year Roadmap 2022-2032. 

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the Roadmap recognises the importance of the region's agricultural-based industries and identifies opportunities for growth to support a strong regional economy. 

"The agriculture and tourism industries in the Scenic Rim are critical to our region's economy, accounting for more than $400 million of the regional economy’s Gross Regional Product (GRP) and employing more than 4,000 locals," he said. 

"This Roadmap is the next step in Council's ongoing commitment to drive economic growth, jobs, innovation and resilience for these industries and build a more prosperous region. 

"Council has developed the draft Roadmap with Brisbane-based industry specialists PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia (PwC), in consultation with other government agencies and approximately 60 local producers and operators. The purpose is to create a strategy that reflects the goals and objectives of our local sectors and now it's the broader community's opportunity to have their say. 

"Agribusiness, Agritourism and Capacity Building are the three key pillars explored within the strategy, with a total of 11 specific objectives identified to provide strategic direction and priorities for the future, which the community can provide feedback on. 

"I want to thank all those who have assisted in the draft Roadmap's development so far and encourage all residents to share their feedback via Council's online Let's Talk Scenic Rim platform. 

"Delivery of this 10-Year Roadmap is included under Phase 2 of a three-phrase grant-funded Agribusiness and Agritourism Industry Development Program to build on the strengths of the region and capitalise on emerging opportunities within these sectors. 

"I look forward to continuing to work with and advocate for our agriculture and tourism sectors to help build a prosperous region for all local businesses and communities to enjoy." 

Minister for Emergency Management and National Recovery and Resilience, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie said this initiative is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements following the Black Summer Bushfires.

“The bushfires of 2019 had a devastating and ongoing impact in the Scenic Rim,” Minister McKenzie said.

“This bushfire recovery funding is about ensuring heavily impacted communities can continue to recover and prosper, especially in light of COVID-19 and the recent floods.

“Scenic Rim already has a burgeoning reputation for agri-tourism and agri-food, with great potential for growth.

“The Roadmap will focus on the development and promotion of programs designed to benefit the Scenic Rim’s small business in tourism, hospitality and retail.

“The Scenic Rim Regional Council is playing a key role in putting the right projects forward and I encourage the community to engage with their local council on recovery priorities for the agriculture and tourism industries.”

Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer said the Queensland Government continues to be committed to the economic recovery of Queensland following COVID-19 and the recent floods.

“The Scenic Rim agriculture and tourism industries are not only the largest economic contributors for the region but they bring great economic benefits to the state, so it’s crucial to invest in projects like this that focus on supporting economic growth and regional employment.

“Our recent Workforce Summit highlighted that Queensland will need more jobs and skills in the coming years than ever before.

“The Jobs Queensland Anticipating Future Skills data forecasts employment of more than 280,000 people in Queensland by 2024-2025, with jobs growth across every region and every industry.

“That’s why we recently announced a $15 million investment in the VET Emerging Industries Initiative which includes a $5 million Agribusiness Strategy, consisting of an Agriculture Skills Fund; a TAFE Agricultural, Rural and Regional Strategy; and a Beef Processing Skills Fund.

“Our investment will reflect industry needs, include support to deliver extra training and will help build better pathways to skilled workforce development.”

View the draft Agribusiness and Agritourism Industry Development 10-Year Roadmap and have your say before consultation ends on 24 April 2022: letstalk.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/agribusiness-and-agritourism 

For more information about the Program, please contact Council's Regional Prosperity team on 07 5540 5111 or prosperity@scenicrim.qld.gov.au


Summary of Council's Agribusiness and Agritourism Industry Development Program 

Phase 1: 

  • Council was successful in securing $100,000 under the Queensland Bushfire Category C funding, administered by the Department of Communities, to restore and grow agrifood and agritourism sectors. 
  • These funds were directed towards the appointment of an agribusiness specialist, Regionality, to assist with the formation of an Industry Steering Group and development of a strategic agenda and list of priorities for that group; as well as the provision of a series of workshops and mentoring and business development for 15 local producers and operators.
  • This phase has concluded and has been reported back to Council. 

Phase 2: 

  • Council was successful in securing $200,000 from the Bushfire Recovery Fund administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, for the development of a 10-year road map, and a three-year strategic plan, to guide and drive growth and innovation in the agribusiness and agritourism sectors, in addition to funding a 'Go Local, Grow Local' program. 
  • The 10-year road map and three-year strategy with action plan has been developed by industry specialist, PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia (PwC). 

Phase 3: 

  • Council has received $1 million from the Australian Government's Drought Community Program - Extension, $200,000 of which was allocated towards the ongoing development of an agribusiness and agritourism industry cluster group program, focused on working with the agricultural industry to build capacity and capability, provide mentoring support to diversify within the industry or modify existing practices to incorporate other income streams.   
  • Based on the success of the initial Business Development Program, under Phase 1, an additional eight participants were included in a mentoring program in Phase 3.  
  • Other key projects under this phase are currently being developed with industry which will align with objectives of the 10-Year Roadmap as part of Phase 2.