Be alert for mosquitoes in your backyard

Mosquito Protection

Scenic Rim Regional Council has reminded residents cleaning up this weekend to continue to be aware of increased mosquito activity following the recent severe rain event and to ensure they are protected.

Mayor Greg Christensen said due to the nature of the region, temporary pooling of water on rural properties can be difficult to manage and often goes unchecked, contributing to mosquito breeding. 

"Council urges residents to be vigilant where they can by clearing their properties of old tyres, barrels, pot plants and other items that can retain water," he said.

"If everybody does their part to control mosquitoes it helps to keep our community safe. If people see potential breeding sites on public land, please contact Council on 5540 5111 so we can remedy.

"There are some diseases such as Ross River Virus which are spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes and prevention relies on avoiding mosquito bites."

Council has provided the following tips to avoid mosquitoes:

  • Wearing loose-fitting long trousers and shirts
  • Staying indoors at dusk and dawn, the time when most mosquito activity occurs
  • Applying DEET or Picaridin based insect repellent to both exposed skin and clothing in accordance with directions
  • Removing leaf litter and other debris from gutters
  • Fill holes that could hold water (large holes may need planning approval)
  • Filling pot plant saucers with sand to absorb moisture
  • Ensuring doors and windows have insect screens in good repair
  • Keeping swimming pools clean and chlorinated
  • Placing fish that eat mosquito larvae into decorative ponds, dams and other permanent waters
  • Use insect coils or plug-in devices at home
  • Check water tanks to ensure that they are fitted with mosquito proof screens and flap valves

For more information about mosquitoes visit Queensland Health here.