Permit for New Year's Eve music festival denied


Scenic Rim Regional Council has refused an application for a New Year's Eve music festival to be held in the Kooralbyn Valley area due to noise and safety concerns.

The festival was designed to showcase electronic dance music for up to 5,000 people over a three-day period.

Council agreed to review the late application and Council officers discussed a range of identified issues with the event coordinator and venue owner.

However, the application was refused due to concerns around noise, camping impacts, security, traffic and potential flood risk due to the proposed location of the event.

It is disappointing because Council is supportive of events that bring visitors into the region, but the assessment concluded that the location does not lend itself to prolonged music events due to local topography and the surrounding residential areas.

This decision will be upsetting for the organisers as tickets and accommodation were pre-sold prior to the application for an event permit being submitted to Council.

It is an important message for event organisers planning large, outdoor concerts and festivals in the Scenic Rim to understand that an appropriate location is critical. Further, a reasonable amount of time is required by Council to fully assess events to ensure they meet all health and safety requirements for the protection of visitors and residents. This process includes coordination with other organisations such as Police and Ambulance.