Water for the Warrill Irrigation Project gains momentum

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The Water for the Warrill Irrigation Project, which has the potential to be a game changer by delivering water reliability and certainty for the region's agricultural producers, is gathering momentum, and the new Board is working with Queensland Government on a funding application to the Australian Government, Council heard this week.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said that improved water security and reliability would provide the region with an opportunity to become an expanded powerhouse of primary production and a national hub for value-adding processing, with flow-on economic benefits for the wider community.

"Less than a year ago, after years of ongoing drought, a group of local farmers, growers and producers sought Council's support to take action on water security and the result has been a collaborative project of regional significance," Cr Christensen said.

"Findings from the Phase 1 initial feasibility study indicate significant local demand from irrigators, primary producers and processors, and a willingness to pay to secure a reliable water source for irrigated agriculture in the Warrill and Fassifern Valleys.

"Industry specialists, Jacobs Group Australia, completed investment logic mapping and demand assessments with 73 interested parties, representing approximately 144 properties in the Warrill and Fassifern Valleys, and reported a likely aggregated demand for 21,541 megalitres at $1,000 per ML.

"The economic benefit analysis for the Scenic Rim based on the potential of 21,541 megalitres of water at this price for the Warrill and Fassifern Valleys could translate to an additional $150 million in new agricultural revenue, $305 million in direct economic benefit and 1,342 full-time jobs in agriculture each year, should this project receive government funding.

"I congratulate the project steering group for acting swiftly in response to the feasibility study findings and progressing the project to Phase 2 with the formalisation of local company, Water for Warrill Ltd in August this year.  

"Water for Warrill Ltd has appointed Board members and is proactively progressing a funding application with the Queensland Government's Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water for submission to the Australian Government's National Water Grid Infrastructure Development Fund, with Council to provide a letter of support.

"Council's direct involvement in Phase 1 and 2 of the project takes a line straight out of the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025, about opportunities for our region to take charge of its future and make things happen rather than waiting for things to happen.

"Council will continue to advocate strongly for this regionally significant industry-led project as it progresses through the next steps and I am so pleased that it is gaining momentum with all tiers of government," Cr Christensen said.

Water for Warrill Ltd Chairman Richard Gorman said the seed funding provided by Council for the demand assessment and initial feasibility study was critical in validating and quantifying the game-changing impact more secure water would have to agricultural producers in the Scenic Rim, together with the broader economic benefits the project can deliver for the entire community.

"We now have a compelling case to apply to the National Water Grid Infrastructure Development Fund to seek the funding required to embark on the next steps," Mr Gorman said.

"The Water for the Warrill Irrigation Project Feasibility Study Report identifies a range of proposed infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions to deliver new irrigation water to the Fassifern and Warrill Valleys, and each need to be considered and assessed for their viability.

"The Report conclusively shows there is tremendous, widespread support for the project and that delivering a new source of secure water to the region will lead to significant economic benefits and new skilled job creation.

“Water isn’t a commodity for regions like ours, it is the lifeblood of our towns and our communities. That idea is at the heart of this project," he said.

More information and a copy of the Water for the Warrill Irrigation Project Feasibility Study Report is available at www.waterforwarrill.com.au