Reports of scam callers posing as Council officers

Scam calls

Council has received reports of scammers calling Scenic Rim residents claiming to be a Council officer and asking to confirm personal details, including name, address and date of birth.

This fraudulent behaviour is known as phishing where the scammer is tricking you into handing over your personal information and can lead to identify theft.

Scenic Rim Regional Council does not cold call to confirm personal details and the caller ID will always be Council's 07 5540 5111 number.

Council officers will make direct phone contact as required on Council matters, however, will not ask for confirmation of personal details like date of birth.

If in doubt about the validity of a call from Council, simply ask for the officer's full name and say that you will call them back on the main number, then dial 07 5540 5111, and ask for the Council officer you've been dealing with.

More information about how to recognise, avoid and report scams is available from Scamwatch at

Scamwatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).