Community input critical to future programs and activities

Queensland Day

Scenic Rim residents are being asked to help shape the region's new five-year Community and Culture Strategy to ensure future community spaces, programs and activities align with the community's expectations.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council undertakes a range of activities to create a strong sense of belonging and identity and foster community health. 

"We coordinate community and cultural grants, deliver programs, manage venues, organise events and advocate on behalf of our residents and work with range of service providers, community organisations and groups and volunteers to foster a strong and supported community," he said.

"At some stage, everyone across our community will access our programs, activities and community spaces, so we want to hear from people who are representing all ages, cultural backgrounds, relationship status, ability levels and gender.

“Previously, Council had three separate plans and policies that provided the direction for our health and wellbeing activities, our libraries and arts and culture, however these will now be integrated into one consolidated Community and Culture Strategy.

"Residents will be able to provide input under five themes - Health and Wellbeing; Community Places and Spaces; Heritage and Identity; Learning, Innovating and Creating; and Community Connections, Belonging and Pride.

"To help promote conversations, we will be providing 'conversation kits' that will allow people to gather around their kitchen table, in a lunchroom at their workplace or in their local community hall to discuss community and culture and then submit their ideas to Council.

"An online survey will also be available, as well as postcards for our junior members of the community to complete.

"The project team will also be holding focus groups and online meetings with local Indigenous groups, youth, community leaders, residents and other key stakeholders.

"For those people who want to have a face-to-face conversation about the new strategy, we encourage them to visit us at one of our four pop-up events across the region over the coming month.

"This is your region, and it's critical that Council is shaping its future based on what is important to the community."

Community consultation will close on Friday 8 October 2021. The information provided from the community will be collated to help prepare a draft strategy that will be available for feedback in late 2021 before being adopted by Council.

Feedback can be provided by:

  • completing an online survey on the Council’s 'Have your Say' page at
  • filling in an ideas post card which can be obtained from libraries and other cultural venues
  • holding your own community conversation by downloading a conversation kit from the 'Have your Say' page, or
  • visiting us at one of four pop-up events across the region
    • Friday 10 September - Tamborine Mountain Library between 12noon and 2pm (note you will also be able to provide feedback on the Tamborine Mountain Library refurbishment during this session)
    • Saturday 11 September - Boonah Country Markets between 8am and 10.30am
    • Sunday 12 September - Kooralbyn Valley Markets between 8am and 10.30am
    • Saturday 2 October - Beaudesert Markets between 8am and 11am

The five themes of the new Community and Culture Strategy

  1. Health and Wellbeing: Our wellbeing is a combination of our physical, mental, emotional and social health. It is shaped by where and how we grow, live, work, play and age.
  2. Community Places and Spaces: Community places and spaces are where we gather for recreational, educational, artistic, social or cultural activities. Our community places and spaces should be accessible and fit-for-purpose and support social inclusion and safety.
  3. Heritage and Identity: Scenic Rim’s character is derived from our history, built and natural features, community and our stories. There are a range of ways to express our local history and stories to reinforce our sense of place and community.
  4. Learning, Innovating and Creating: Gaining knowledge, learning new skills and cultural and artistic expression help us to build confidence, connect to each other and connect with where we live. We want to make sure Scenic Rim is a place where people of all ages can continue to learn, the arts can flourish, and we keep attracting creatives.
  5. Community Connections, Belonging and Pride: Our community pride and connection can be expressed in a range of ways, from public art on streets to a calendar of local events. This contributes to the liveability and quality of life for the people who live here and positions the Scenic Rim as vibrant and welcoming to visitors.