Granting transparent access to funding allocations


Council's commitment to openness and transparency with its communities continues with a full list of grants and subsidies now available on Council's website.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the register of active grants and subsidies was one of a kind among local government entities.

"During our research preparing this information for the website, we found there were no other Councils who report on grants and subsidies at this level," he said.

"What the community will be able to see is a list of active grants and subsidies by level of government and funding program, followed by the projects that are expected to be delivered under the program.

"We are also disclosing the total funding approved per program, including Council's own contributions, and then the forecasted total program cost."

Cr Christensen said it was important to note that the list only includes approved grant funding in line with funding guidelines.

"Approved grant funding means we have executed a funding agreement with the relevant level of government and received permission in writing from the funding body to release the information," he said.

"Sometimes our funding bodies make announcements about successful grants that are being allocated, however it can take some time before all the necessary paperwork is completed and Council can publicly share information about those grants.

"We are extremely grateful to the Australian and Queensland governments for the level of grant funding we receive that helps achieve shared community goals across the three levels of government and minimises the burden on our own general revenue.

"We are equally proud of our strong track record in preparing robust and well-considered grant applications for competitive funding which allows Council to achieve infrastructure, social and economic outcomes for our residents, businesses and ratepayers."

Cr Christensen said the information contained in the register does not necessarily match the amount of grant funding disclosed at Budget.

"Some grants rollover from previous financial years, or are provided to Council in instalments or during the financial reporting period, so it's never an exact match for what we disclose during our Budget announcements," he said.

The register of active grants and subsidies is available on Council's website and is expected to be updated on a six-monthly basis as required.