Financial help to assist those struggling with paying rates notices


Residents and business owners who are struggling to pay their rates due to financial hardship or a change in their personal circumstances are being urged to contact Council to find out more information about assistance options.

With the latest six-monthly rates notice having now been delivered to mailboxes across the region, Mayor Greg Christensen is urging those who are feeling the pressure to pay their notice in the allocated timeframe to reach out.

"This has undoubtedly been a stressful period of time for all residents of the Scenic Rim who have been impacted financially off the back of the drought, bushfires and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

"It's important to remind the community there are a number of ways we can help during their time of need, like Council's Financial Hardship Policy, which can assist those who are eligible and unable to meet a realistic payment commitment for the rates and charges levied against a property.

"Financial hardship can be experienced by many people at different times and can be caused by various reasons, especially during this past year when there have been so many changes to our lives and livelihoods that have been out of our control.

"Council is very compassionate to those who are genuinely experiencing hardship, and if you feel like you need a little extra assistance at this time, our team can help talk you through our payment options.

"The last thing we want is to have people sitting at the kitchen table worrying about whether they need to subtract money from their food budget to ensure the rates and charges are paid within the timeframes on the notices."

Residents can find out more information, including their eligibility for Council's Financial Hardship Policy, by calling Council on 5540 5111.

In addition to rates assistance for those experiencing hardship, a discount of five per cent will be allowed on current general rates – only if the total amount of the rates and charges (including overdue amounts) are paid within 31 days of the notice’s date. 

Ratepayers who hold a Queensland Centrelink Concession Card, Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pension Concession or Veteran Gold Card can apply for the Queensland Government Pensioner Rate Rebate, which offers a maximum rebate of $200 from their annual rates bill.

To be eligible for the Queensland Government's Pensioner Rate Rebate, the ratepayer must be the owner or life tenant of the property, which is their principal place of residence in Queensland, and legally responsible for paying rates and charges levied on that property.

More information about rates can be found on Council's website: