Environmental and Community Grants programs open for applicants eager to make a positive contribution to the Scenic Rim

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Projects that contribute to the health and wellbeing of the Scenic Rim community or preserves and enhances the natural environment can now apply for funding through the Community Grants and Environmental Grants programs.

Both the Community and Environmental Grants programs opened for applications on 1 July and close on Friday 30 July and Friday 13 August respectively.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen encourages the community to explore the funding opportunities made available through the two grant programs.

“The popular Community Grants program provides financial support to not-for-profit community groups for projects and events which provide benefit to the quality of life in the Scenic Rim," he said

“Through these events and activities, we celebrate our identity, culture and diversity in the Scenic Rim.

"This undoubtably strengthens the social fabric of our communities and brings us together as One Scenic Rim.

“These groups often rely heavily on volunteers so this program is an investment in ensuring they are able to continue their invaluable contribution to our community.” 

The Environmental Grants Program aims to encourage and assist community involvement in managing the Scenic Rim’s environment for the benefit of the whole region.

“Although our region is home to many large national parks, much of the remaining native habitat in the Scenic Rim is found on private property, so the conservation of native plants and wildlife and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems is very much a community effort," Cr Christensen said.

"Scenic Rim is one of the most bio-diverse areas in Australia and maintaining that biodiversity is a partnership between key stakeholders, Council and the community.

"Our Environmental Grants program represents an investment by Council in conserving and enhancing some of our region's most valuable natural assets, our spectacular scenery and healthy environment.

“I look forward to seeing the many exciting and innovative projects that Council’s various grants programs will support,” Cr Christensen said.

The public are welcome to apply through the online grants management platform SmartyGrants. SmartyGrants eliminates the need for paper-based applications and provides an efficient process for Council as well as grant applicants. 

Find out more about the Grants, including how to apply and the eligibility criteria on the Scenic Rim website www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/grants-funding-awards