Spotlight is on the Regional Arts Development Fund at the upcoming Arts Dinner

March arts dinner 350 x 190

Creatives needing a leg up with funding for their creative pursuits can find out everything they need to know about the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) at the upcoming Arts Dinner Live and Online on 13 July.

The dinner will be delivered onsite at Boonah Culture Centre, and streamed online, and is a special opportunity for anyone wanting to learn about the RADF from the program experts.

The RADF program is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Scenic Rim Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Chair of the Arts Reference Group Councillor Michael Enright says the RADF provides an important pathway for learning, to boost creativity, create jobs and lift the Scenic Rim spirit.

“The more people who know about the RADF and understand how they can embrace the opportunity, the better," he said.

“The Scenic Rim is full of special talent and this program is our way of celebrating that. We wish for this fund to support emerging and established artists, art practitioners, groups and organisations.

“The Arts Dinner is a perfect opportunity for those wanting to understand the RADF in depth and learn from the individuals responsible for running the program.” 

Regional Arts Officer for Regional Arts Service Network South West Queensland Michelle Blair says the RADF program is vital for regional communities to be able to access local funding, for initiatives that have true impact in their regions. 

“I have seen some amazing projects that truly drive community development in regional Queensland," Ms Blair said.

“This month the panel will look at what the RADF program can offer to regional creatives, how the process of selection works, and what the outcomes can be for applicants.

“The discussion panel will also explore what the grant funding body expectations are, where you can get help, and how it can kickstart your career in the arts.”

The event will be an extra special evening with artist Clea performing on the night. Clea is a resounding success story of the program, having been a RADF recipient who has since won the Queensland Music Awards' Song of the Year (2019) for her hit single 'Dreaming'.

Taking part in the panel discussion will be:

  • Mark Paddick (Scenic Rim Regional Council Regional Arts Development Fund Liaison Officer)
  • Jeremy Ring (Scenic Rim Arts Reference Group) 
  • Michelle Blair (Regional Arts Officer – Regional Arts Services Network, South West Queensland)
  • Larissa Warren (Potter and Regional Arts Development Fund recipient)

Members of the community can connect with the event via Zoom and are welcome to send questions via the chat box that will be answered during the evening.

Arts Dinners Live and Online are run jointly by Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Regional Arts Service Network for South West Queensland.

For more information about the event, and to purchase tickets please visit