Three-day lockdown forces Winter Harvest Festival cancellation

Scenic Rim Eat Local Week 2021

Following the Queensland Government's announcement of a three-day lockdown for South East Queensland, Scenic Rim Eat Local Week's signature event, the Winter Harvest Festival has been cancelled

Mayor Greg Christensen said it wasn't a decision made lightly, but necessary as the region responded to the latest health directives.

"We understand this is a major disappointment for our producers, local businesses, community and visitors, however it's necessary to put everyone's health and safety first," he said.

"Holding an event that is the scale of the Winter Harvest Festival requires several days to prepare the site and stalls, and with current restrictions, it just isn't possible.

"Our stallholders also need time to prepare the foods they would have been serving and this is also not possible while we are in lockdown.                                                                        

"We also have to take into consideration the risks if the lockdown is extended further than Friday evening.

"We are grateful to have successfully seen, in partnership with our wonderful event holders, more than 50 Scenic Rim Eat Local Week events across the region to showcase and celebrate our amazing local produce and growers.

"While there are cancellations during the lockdown this week, at this stage some operators are still planning to go ahead with scheduled events on the weekend, or postponed to a later date.

"We encourage those who were attending the Winter Harvest Festival, or any of the other cancelled events, to try and support our producers online, buy a Scenic Rim Farm Box or book their next holiday in the Scenic Rim to experience our wonderful produce and beverages.

"On behalf of Council, I would like to thank all our Scenic Rim Eat Local Week sponsors, event organisers, food ambassadors, stallholders and the broader Scenic Rim Eat Local Week family for their support and understanding."

Ticket holders for the Winter Harvest Festival can contact for ticket refunds.


Visitors are encouraged to contact the local operators to confirm events.

Events still running at this stage:

Postponed events:

To be confirmed: Please contact the operator