Budget acknowledges the importance of community groups to the Scenic Rim

Boonah and District Cultural Foundation were previous recipients of Council's Community Grants Program for the 2021 Boonah Arts Festival.

Boonah and District Cultural Foundation were previous recipients of Council's Community Grants Program for the 2021 Boonah Arts Festival.

Scenic Rim Regional Council has reinforced its commitment to its Community Grants Program allocating $295,000 in today’s Budget and acknowledging the important role community organisations play in making a difference in our region.

The program provides funding support for grassroots community groups and not-for-profit sporting and recreational organisations across the Scenic Rim region.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen says having a Community Grants Program in place is an acknowledgment that the quality of life we all enjoy in the Scenic Rim can’t be created without the work our community groups put in.

“We recognise the value in providing financial and in-kind assistance to local organisations, which rely heavily on volunteers,” he said.

“Continued funding ensures these groups can provide the wide-range of programs and activities that enrich the cultural life of our region, contribute to the health and well-being of our community and make the Scenic Rim a great place to live."

The Community Grants Program also takes into account the needs of our rural and regional townships, where community and sporting groups often share the same facilities and have common goals.

“These grants contribute to building and strengthening the social fabric of our communities and support healthy, engaged and resourceful communities, one of the pillars of the Scenic Rim Community Plan,” Cr Christensen said.

Council successfully streamlined their grants applications last year and transitioned to SmartyGrants, an online grants management platform. SmartyGrants eliminates the need for paper-based applications and has provided a far more efficient process for Council as well as grant applicants.

The new and improved system has received positive feedback from applicants as the grant application process is far more accessible and less complex to navigate.

“I encourage the Scenic Rim community to explore the funding opportunities made available by Council. I look forward to seeing the many exciting and innovative projects that Council’s various grants programs will support,” Cr Christensen said.

Round 1 of the 2021 - 2022 Community Grants will open 1 July, closing 5pm on 30 July 2021.

A copy of the Scenic Rim Regional Council 2021-2022 Community Budget Report is available for download from Council's website: www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/financial-information