Have your say: Scenic Rim Adventure and Nature-based Tourism Strategy
Scenic Rim community members can now provide feedback on the region's first-ever Adventure and Nature-based Tourism Strategy.
Mayor Greg Christensen said the draft strategy establishes a framework for the Scenic Rim to become Queensland’s leading adventure and nature-based tourism destination.
“Here in the Scenic Rim, we have done a great job over the last decade of promoting the region’s wonderful food scene and delicious food experiences and producers, through events such as Scenic Rim Eat Local Week,” he said.
“And while this remains incredibly important, the region has so much more going for it than just its food and beverage experiences. We saw a golden opportunity to do for nature and adventure tourism — for our bushwalking, ziplining, mountain climbing, and numerous other outdoor experiences — what we have been able to do in the food space.
“Research shows that an increasing number of travellers are seeking active, authentic, and adventurous experiences with strong connections to nature, especially in the wake of COVID-19.
“With Scenic Rim’s spectacular natural beauty, diverse landscapes, abundant wildlife, six national parks and UNESCO World Heritage listed reserves, these trends present an incredible opportunity for our region.
“This strategy provides a roadmap for Council and industry to work together to improve our adventure tourism capability, increase visitation and establish the Scenic Rim as a leader in sustainable nature-based tourism.
“We thank members of the local reference group, local operators and local, regional and state tourism organisations who have provided input into the draft and I urge all community members to have their say through this broader community consultation to further strengthen the strategy.”
The Adventure and Nature-based Tourism Strategy supports the Scenic Rim Tourism Strategy 2017-2021, was an action identified in the Scenic Rim Regional Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025, and aligns with Tourism and Events Queensland’s Marketing Strategy and Nature Based Tourism Strategy.
The draft Scenic Rim Adventure and Nature-based Tourism Strategy is available on the Have your say page of Council's website, or hard copies can be accessed at the Council Customer Service and Administration Centres.
Community members have until Friday 18 June 2021 to provide feedback on the strategy.
The Scenic Rim Adventure and Nature-based Tourism Strategy is proudly funded by Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Australian Government through the Building Better Regions Fund.
For more information on the strategy and how to provide feedback, visit www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/have-your-say