Beaudesert's town centre revitalisation on display

The Beauy Hub

Visit The Beauy Hub to find out about the revitalisation of Beudesert's town centre.

Scenic Rim community members can learn more about the revitalisation of Beaudesert's town centre when a dedicated information hub opens on Tuesday 6 April.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council is providing residents and business owners with opportunities to stay informed on the progress of the revitalisation of the Beaudesert town centre.

"We've created a welcoming informal space called The Beauy Hub at 113 Brisbane Street, where Council officers and the revitalisation design team will be on hand to answer questions about the project," Cr Christensen said.

"There will be display panels and a giant map of the town centre precinct showing planned improvements, a video representation of the revitalised town centre, and information about the project stages and the benefits this revitalisation will bring to Beaudesert," he said.

"The Beauy Hub will also be used as a meeting and workshop space for activities related to the project including the recording of local oral histories for the Scenic Rim Story Trail."

As part of Council's Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages initiative, the Beaudesert town centre revitalisation will make infrastructure and streetscape improvements to the heart of the town, while maintaining the character of the area and creating welcoming public spaces.

The project incorporates ideas captured by the local community through consultation in 2016 when Council sought input into the Beaudesert Town Centre Masterplan, and in 2019 when the Beaudesert Town Revitalisation Project was presented.

"Suggestions from the community have been incorporated into the overarching planning of the town centre revitalisation including greening with shade trees and boulevards, creating community spaces, having a town centre precinct with improved amenities, and walkable streets and linkages," Cr Christensen said.

The Beaudesert town centre revitalisation is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($4,190,593), and Queensland Government ($3,750,000) in association with Scenic Rim Regional Council contributing 5% ($460,065).

"We are grateful to both the Australian and Queensland Governments for this very generous funding, which allows us to deliver such a significant project with minimal financial burden on ratepayer funds," Cr Christensen said.

Division 4 Councillor Michael Enright said the revitalisation works will address many of the legacy issues including storm water flooding in our town centre, traffic flows and car parking.

"We know there has been many issues with flooding in the past, so it's fortunate that we have received funding to help with these important capital works," Cr Enright said. 

"As we prepare for the revitalisation, it's encouraging to see local retailers and business owners taking pride in their street by investing in their shop fronts.

"This project supports their efforts through the transformation of Brisbane Street from what was predominately a retail strip into a vibrant precinct community and visitors will want to spend more time in.

"We are also seeking funding opportunities to potentially transition from our 45 year old library building into a lively Community Hub and Library precinct that meets the needs of our growing community now and into the future."

Project benefits:

  • Brisbane Street will be given a facelift with a new greener avenue and pedestrian entrance to the centre.
  • Expansion and upgrade of car parks and connection of Selwyn Street to Helen Street will provide greater access to the business centre and community facilities.
  • A new communal space for community gatherings and public events with amphitheatre terraced seating, events deck and stage, playspace, public artwork, landscaping and facilities.
  • A proposed new Beaudesert Community Hub and Library with the latest facilities, activities and resources for use by the whole community including local businesses.

Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation Project Phases:

2020 - 2023

  • Beaudesert Gateway Stage 1 Caravan and car parking.
  • Beaudesert Town Centre Transport Improvements Selwyn and Brisbane Street traffic and pedestrian improvements.
  • Beaudesert Town Centre Drainage Improvements Brisbane, Eaglesfield and Short Street drainage upgrades.
  • Beaudesert Gateway Stage 2 Amphitheatre, shelters, new public toilet and playspace.

2022 - 2023

  • Proposed new Beaudesert Community Hub and Library. Funding to be sourced.

The Beauy Hub opening times

The Beauy Hub will open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 2pm, starting from Tuesday 6 April.

More information about Beaudesert town centre revitalisation and The Beauy Hub program of activities can be found at