Waste Catch Up Services Underway


Scenic Rim Regional Council suspended waste collection services on Tuesday 23 March and Wednesday 24 March due to a severe weather event.

Waste Collection Trucks and Waste Transfer Stations returned to normal services and opening times on Thursday 25 March.

Catch Up Waste Collection Dates

If your household's general waste bin was missed on Tuesday 23 March or Wednesday 24 March, Council is operating a catch up service on Saturday 27 March from 6am.

If your household's recycling bin was missed on those days, the specific catch-up collection days are:  

Tamborine Mountain Tuesday's missed recycling will be collected on Friday 26 March.

Tamborine Mountain Wednesday's missed recycling will be collected on Saturday 27 March.

Tamborine Mountain residents with green waste only can take it to our temporary disposal point at 400 Long Road until Saturday 27 March. 

Veresdale - Veresdale Scrub - Gleneagle - Allenview - Josephville's missed recycling will be collected on Saturday 27 March.

Mt Alford - Boonah - Aratula - Kalbar - Harrisville - Roadvale - Peak Crossing and the surrounding areas' missed recycling will be collected on Tuesday 30 March.

Our team is working hard to catch up with every bin that was missed. Thank you for understanding that we may not get to them all.