Commercial groundwater extraction on Tamborine Mountain


Council has received enquiries from members of the public regarding a specific commercial water extractor. While Council doesn't comment on specific matters, the following general comments are made.

Council understands that commercial groundwater extraction and transport is an ongoing and sensitive issue for some Tamborine Mountain residents.

Council officers work diligently to fulfil their obligation on behalf of the community within the legal parameters of legitimate water extraction approvals, as they stand, and the reasonable legal application of Council's authority.

While acting responsibly within the legal requirements, Council recognises this does not always please all members of the community.

Council is fully supportive of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy moratorium to suspend new commercial groundwater bores being drilled on Tamborine Mountain while they undertake further investigations.

Council has advocated for a long-term and strategic approach to the groundwater resources on Tamborine Mountain, and continues to invest in the three-year independent study with Queensland University of Technology to provide a scientific basis for the future management of groundwater and aquifers within the Mountain precinct.