First 5 Forever van ready to promote early literacy across the region
Delivery of the First 5 Forever literacy program will be better, brighter and more accessible in the close future with a new van ready to hit the road and deliver story times and other activities to families in the Scenic Rim.
The First 5 Forever (F5F) mobile service has been made possible following Scenic Rim Regional Council’s successful application for grant funding from the State Library of Queensland in 2019.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen says the mobile service is a fantastic result as it means Scenic Rim librarians can deliver this important program across our regional townships.
“There are many people in our communities who are unable to access our libraries and the activities we provide, so we are delighted to be able to bring the libraries to them," Cr Christensen said
“A program of story times will be able to be provided all over the region - in parks, community halls and wherever playgroups meet - and will be equipped to set up comfortable spaces for stories, rhymes, and activities.”
“Pending COVID-19 restrictions easing, you can expect to see the brightly coloured van in your area.
“You won’t miss it! The van is decorated with the wonderful frogs, which are key to the First 5 Forever branding.
"When operating, we encourage you to bring your little ones along and discover the wonderful literacy resources that the F5F van and our librarians will provide,” he said.
First 5 Forever is a family literacy program sponsored by the State Library of Queensland and delivered by public libraries with the primary aim of providing strong early literacy foundations for all Queensland children aged 0-5 years. F5F connects families to the information, resources and support they need to build the best foundation for their child’s future language and literacy development. The program provides both training for library staff to effectively deliver activities to children and their caregivers, and support with resources and funding.
You can also visit the Scenic Rim Regional Council website: for information on when the van will be in your area, or to request a visit.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Scenic Rim libraries regular face-to-face events and activities have become increasingly difficult to deliver. However, our librarians have put their heads together and come up with fantastic solutions to keep our library patrons engaged and children’s brains firing. Check out the Scenic Rim libraries YouTube channel for online story times and activities.
Aside from the F5F van, the much-loved mobile library service will also be returning now that a new mobile library van has been commissioned.
“This project has been significantly delayed due to the pandemic, however we hope the delivery service will be back up and running later in the year.
“Along with the many other books and resources onboard for the community to use, the van will now be equipped with tablets thanks to grant funding.
“This will enable our community members to participate in a range of digital training programs and to continue of the Tech Savvy Seniors program in our townships,” Cr Christensen said.
The two vans will work in conjunction with each other to deliver a wider range of services right across the region.
“We’d like to say a special thank you to the State Library of Queensland and Queensland State Government for the funding that has made this First 5 Forever mobile service possible, which is so important in a region as large as ours.”
For more information on the Scenic Rim libraries services visit
Pictured: Mayor Greg Christensen, Council's First 5 Forever Project Officer Heidi Donoghue and her daughter Emerson with the new van.