Objections Result in a Re-Evaluation for Some Property Owners


Objections to the 2018 land valuations have resulted in a small reduction in rates for 71 Scenic Rim property owners.

In July, in response to community concern caused by sharp valuation increases, Mayor Greg Christensen called on the Queensland Government to introduce annual rather than three-year land valuations in the Scenic Rim.

Of the 20, 373 valuations issued this year in the Scenic Rim region, there were 228 objections by property owners who disagreed with the valuation increase.

"In total, 71 of these objections were successful, resulting in a total reduction of $5.7 million to the overall value of the Scenic Rim region," Cr Christensen said.

"In terms of rating outcomes, the reduction in valuations, which in some cases was quite small, has had minimal impact on Council's Budget, around $10,000 in total for the 2018-19 year."

The 2017 Market Survey, which was considered in the valuations announced in early 2018, showed a 10 per cent increase across most local government areas in Queensland.

The State Government has advised that Scenic Rim Regional Council's request for annual valuations will be considered in conjunction with the 2018 Market Survey and feedback from relevant local and industry groups.

"The increase in valuations - in some instances of upwards of 80 per cent on Tamborine Mountain - and many examples of inconsistent valuations across the region show the current system of valuing land is clearly in need of review." Cr Christensen said.

"Annual valuations would better reflect current economic conditions than the three-year valuations which caused so much angst to members of our community as well as Council."