Image of Boonah Customer Service and Administration Centre
Council has approved the use of Chambers at its Boonah Customer Service and Administration Centre as an alternative meeting venue during COVID-19 to enable events and exhibitions to resume at The Centre Beaudesert as government restrictions on numbers at public gatherings continue to ease.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen, who at today’s Ordinary Meeting of Council tabled a Mayoral Minute seeking approval of the former Boonah Council Chambers as an alternative meeting location, said Council continued to operate in unusual circumstances in response to COVID-19.
“The Queensland Premier, supported by the expert advice of the Chief Health Officer, has continued to deliver stepped opportunities which have seen an easing of restrictions in Queensland,” he said.
“I know that many in the community are looking forward to once again enjoying events and exhibitions at The Centre Beaudesert as part of the next phase in the roadmap of easing restrictions, which will allow up to 100 people at venues as long as this meets social distancing requirements.
“To accommodate ongoing social distancing requirements, and allow for the community to recommence using The Centre, Council meetings require us to access a larger suitable space than that available at the Beaudesert Administration Centre’s Chambers.
“The former Boonah Shire Council Chambers provide suitable flexibility to achieve necessary separation distances and overall capacity to accommodate attendance of Councillors and required Council staff.”
While Council meetings are currently closed to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions, Council will continue to provide live audio streaming of meetings and make available recordings of its meetings on Council’s website
“This has been a challenging time for our community, however the easing of restrictions enabling greater community use of The Centre is another encouraging step forward,” Cr Christensen said.