Council welcomes temporary suspension of new groundwater bores at Tamborine Mountain
Council welcomes Minister for Natural Resources Mines and Energy, The Honourable Dr Anthony Lynham's announcement today to suspend new groundwater bores - except for farmers and households - being drilled on Tamborine Mountain for 12 months.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the management of groundwater has been an ongoing issue for residents across the Tamborine Mountain community.
"Council has identified this as a serious issue for residents of the Mountain, particularly through the recent drought, so it is pleasing to see the Queensland Government is owning the accountability of the aquifers.
"For many years Council has advocated for a long-term and strategic approach to the groundwater resources on Tamborine Mountain," said Cr Christensen.
"In 2017, Council commissioned a three-year independent study with Queensland University of Technology to provide a scientific basis for the future management of groundwater and aquifers within the Mountain precinct. This project is currently underway and due for completion in late 2020.
"As the Minister said in his statement, good decisions are made on the facts, and we have been very clear that the future of the Mountain's water needs to be underpinned by detailed research and understanding of the aquifers and the impacts upon them.
"We are thankful the Queensland Government has listened and is taking some positive steps to ensure the future health of the aquifers on the Mountain.
"To establish the best way forward in managing the long-term sustainability of Tamborine Mountain's aquifers, it will be critically important for Council, the Queensland Government and the community to work together," Cr Christensen said.
Background: Mayoral Minute - Tamborine Mountain Groundwater Update,
9 September 2019