Scenic Rim wildlife carers will have the opportunity to apply for Queensland Government funding to help support the important and selfless work they are doing to care for our native wildlife.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the funding announcement was welcome following ongoing drought and bushfires that has resulted in an increase in injured and sick wildlife across the region.
"The funding will be important to support many wildlife volunteers and I imagine there will be a lot of interest in the grants throughout Queensland, so I would encourage local interested applicants to apply early before the allocation is exhausted," said Cr Christensen.
Scenic Rim Councillor Nadia O'Carroll is a strong advocate for protecting the region's biodiversity and wildlife and said the new grant funding is excellent news.
"Unfortunately our wildlife is already struggling with human impacts and the recent drought and bushfires have created a huge increase in injured wildlife admissions to hospitals and carers, so the Premier's announcement is very welcome," said Cr O'Carroll.
"The recent disastrous bushfires and drought generated immense care, compassion, support and practical assistance from a multitude of people across the region, so it would be great to see some of our local carers apply for funding.
"The Government has advised the funding applications will open on 29 January 2020 and individual carers can apply for a grant of up to $2,000 and eligible care groups can apply for a grant of up to $5,000."
Cr O'Carroll also said that many more people are now more conscious of the devastating impact upon wildlife both in terms of the threat to biodiversity and to the suffering of individual animals, and do not always understand funding arrangements.
'Many people do not realise that even some of the bigger organisations such as Australia Zoo and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary who provide the rescue, treatment, care, rehabilitation and release of injured wildlife are privately funded.
"Other registered charities such as RSPCA, Wildcare and individual volunteer vets, wildlife carers and carer groups have to fundraise but still often struggle financially with the costs of caring for wildlife," Cr O'Carroll said.
"It's great to see as part of the package that the Government is providing $40,000 each to Currumbin Wildlife Hospital, RSPCA Wildlife Hospital and Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital to help them cover their costs to care for animals being brought in for treatment."
The Government has advised that grant program guidelines and the application form will be published on the Department of Environment and Science’s website on 29 January 2020 at