Scenic Rim Regional Council has put the call out for volunteers to assist in staging the Arts Ablaze conference and free family celebrations.
The event, to be held from 2 to 6 October at Kooralbyn, will bring the arts community together for the biggest regional arts conference and celebrations ever seen in Queensland.
Managed by Scenic Rim Regional Council, the celebrations follow last year's Fires on Top of Mountains event which coincided with the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games.
Mayor Greg Christensen called for volunteers to assist Council staff in showcasing the Scenic Rim, welcome guests from across the state and host the free family celebrations.
"The Arts Ablaze conference and celebration will have something for everyone and in order to achieve that we need to call on the lifeblood of our community, volunteers, to assist us," he said.
"Volunteering requirements vary depending on the task however you could expect to contribute around five to 20 hours across the five-day event, although any assistance is welcomed.
"We are looking for volunteers who are aged 18 or over to act as greeters and runners, to assist with site set-up and pack down or administration duties, however Council staff can work with you to find a position which suits your personality, physical fitness and abilities."
Volunteers are required to register online and be prepared to undertake induction training as part of Workplace Health and Safety requirements.
Volunteer information packs can be found at Council's libraries, Customer Service Centres and online at
See the full program at:
- Arts Ablaze is funded by the Australian Government through the Building Better Regions Fund
- Arts Ablaze is supported by an Australian Government's Festivals Australia Grant represented by the Department of Communications and the Arts.
- Arts Ablaze is made possible through the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund provided through Regional Arts Australia and administered in Queensland by Flying Arts Alliance.
- Arts Ablaze is supported by the Queensland Government through the Regional Arts Services Network, the Queensland Arts Showcase Program and the Regional Arts Development Fund which is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Scenic Rim Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.
- Arts Ablaze is supported by the Ramada Resort Kooralbyn Valley, Artour, Central Queensland University and Arts Front.
- Arts Ablaze is an initiative of Scenic Rim Regional Council.