Million Trees program helps farming resilience


Council’s Rural Trees Initiative, part of the Million Trees Program, will once again assist rural landholders by providing free native trees to assist in land management.

"Our Rural Trees Initiative supports rural property owners in the stewardship of their land, which provides benefits including improved flood resilience, economic and tourism opportunities and ecological services," Mayor Greg Christensen said.

"This is about Council and the community working collaboratively to ensure we maintain and enhance the spectacular scenery and healthy environment of our region, but also preserve the productivity of our prime agricultural through effective land management.

"Once established, these trees help address land management issues such as shade for cattle, stream bank stability, soil salinity, land degradation and erosion while providing environmental outcomes such as improved water quality, wildlife corridors and improved soils."

Cr Christensen said grass roots programs such as the Rural Trees Initiative supported work being done at the regional level to improve catchment outcomes.

"Our catchments and waterways took a battering in ex-Tropical Debbie and this affected not only Scenic Rim, but communities in the lower reaches of the river network including Logan and the Redlands," he said

"We are working with our council neighbours through the Council of Mayors SEQ Resilient Rivers Initiative to deliver regional catchment action plans to help make a difference."

Under the Rural Trees Initiative, residents of properties greater than one hectare are eligible for up to 1000 free trees with a choice of more than 10 native species including Bluegums (Eucalyptus tereticornis), Gum-Topped Box (Eucalyptus moluccana), Bottle Brush (Melaleuca viminalis), Mat rush (Lomandra Longifolia), Pink Bloodwood (corymbia intermedia) and many more.

Applications for the Rural Trees Initiative open on 29 August and close on 30 September 2017.

For more information or to apply visit to download a factsheet and application form. Alternately, contact Council’s Environmental Policy and Services team on 5540 5111.