Award recognises a winning partnership between Council and agritourism community

Celebrating Scenic Rim's award (from left) Tourism and Regional Events Portfolio Councillor Jennifer Sanders, Jo Jordan (Coordinator Regional Events), Julie Schmidt (Acting Manager, Regional Prosperity), and Mayor Tom Sharp.
The partnership between the Scenic Rim's agriculture and tourism sectors and Council that has shaped the region as a leading destination was recognised at the 2024 Queensland Tourism Awards in Brisbane.
In a glittering presentation at The Star, the Bronze Award for Excellence in Food Tourism celebrated the success of the Scenic Rim's Eat Local movement, the region's third straight win in the same category, following its 2022 silver award and 2023 bronze award.
Scenic Rim Mayor Tom Sharp said the 2024 award was a further testament to the vision and perseverance of the producers, farmers, brewers, distillers, wine makers, restaurants and cafes behind the Eat Local movement which had placed the region squarely on the food tourism map.
"The success of our Eat Local movement is a shining example of what can be achieved by a local community collaborating to connect visitors to food, culture and country," he said.
"This has been a challenging year for our producers and tourism operators, beginning on Christmas Night 2023, when our region was devastated by a severe storm, followed by flooding in the New Year.
"The damage to property, and the lengthy delays in restoring electricity and telecommunications, severely impacted our local tourism operators at what should have been a peak period, so after a difficult start to the year this award is certainly something to celebrate."
The Scenic Rim's Eat Local movement grew out of the disaster of the 2011 floods which tore through farmland, ruining crops and destroying infrastructure.
That year, Scenic Rim Eat Local Week, a program of just 10 events, had been launched in a cooperative effort between Council and the community to encourage the purchase of seasonal produce. Council's involvement in the event was stepped up following the floods to support the region's agricultural and tourism sectors.
"Scenic Rim Regional Council has successfully nurtured a thriving food tourism economy ever since," Cr Sharp said.
"Eat Local has evolved to be more than just one event, becoming a movement bringing people together from across our region to inspire, educate and, most importantly, create lasting connections between our visitors and regional producers.
"The Eat Local brand is a unique collaboration between Council, our community and local operators that blends a passion for food and quality produce in immersive experiences, unforgettable events and mouth-watering products."
An hour's drive from the Gold Coast and Brisbane, the Scenic Rim is known for its rich agricultural land, world heritage-listed Gondwana rainforests and spectacular natural beauty which provide the perfect backdrop for scores of Eat Local events annually.
The Scenic Rim's Eat Local movement combines its key industries of agriculture and tourism, inviting visitors to pluck carrots fresh from the ground, learn about sustainable farming or gourmet cookery, connect with local producers and feast on local flavours.
The success of Scenic Rim Eat Local Week saw the event extended in 2023 to become a month-long celebration of the region and its farmers, growers, producers, artisans, chefs and quality food and beverages.
A smorgasbord of more than 120 events, with a focus on authentic paddock-to-plate food and farming experiences, Scenic Rim Eat Local Month culminates in the Winter Harvest Festival over the last weekend in June.
In addition to Eat Local Month, the region hosts the twice-yearly Scenic Rim Farm Gate Trail, in which local growers and makers welcome self-drive visitors who buy directly from the source.
The Eat Local movement is also supported by the Scenic Rim Farm Box initiative, delivering quality produce to consumers' doorsteps, and the series of Eat Local - Food, Farming and Conversation in the Scenic Rim cookbooks.
Scenic Rim's Tourism and Regional Events Portfolio Councillor Jennifer Sanders said Council was honoured to accept the Bronze Award for Excellence in Food Tourism on behalf of the region and its agritourism community.
"This award recognises the efforts of many people over many years across the Scenic Rim who have all contributed to building our region's brand that has achieved national and international recognition," she said.
"Council is grateful for the acknowledgement of our community in the Queensland Tourism Awards."