Don’t forget to include water in your emergency kit and check your ORG

Overflow release gully

Your ORG or overflow release gully is a small grated outlet outside your home often near the kitchen or bathroom.

Urban Utilities is encouraging everyone to remember to include water in their emergency kit and do some simple checks around their home to prepare for extreme weather.
With the third La Niña event in a row declared, the Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting higher than average rainfall this spring and summer and the community is being urged to get ready early.
Urban Utilities spokesperson Michelle Cull said, like all infrastructure, water and wastewater networks can be impacted by heavy rain, floods and summer storms.
“Storms are often associated with power outages, but the water supply can also be affected because water boosters in the network need electricity to operate,” she said.
“As a precaution, we always recommend everyone has some water stored in containers at home in the event of a temporary outage, including enough for your pets.”
Ms Cull also encouraged residents to do some easy household checks to protect your home and help prevent stormwater flooding the wastewater network.
“We’re urging everyone to make sure their downpipes are not connected to the wastewater network, as stormwater can overload the network during heavy rain and cause overflows of diluted wastewater,” she said.
“Check your overflow relief gully is raised and clear of debris like pot plants or soil to prevent sewage backing up inside your home in the event of a blockage or during heavy rain.
“For those who mightn’t know, an overflow relief gully (or ORG) is a drain-like fitting located in the ground outside your home, usually near the laundry.”
When putting together your emergency kit, bottled water can be stored for up to two years.
If you’re filling your own containers, it’s a good idea to use food-grade jerry cans and refresh them every three months. Store them away from chemicals in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

‘Get Ready’ checklist

  • Have an emergency plan
  • Remember to include water in your emergency kit
  • Know where your water meter is and how to turn it off in an emergency
  • Ensure stormwater downpipes are not connected to the wastewater network
  • Check your overflow relief gully is raised and clear of obstruction
  • Following wet weather events, follow the advice of the authorities and avoid contact with flood waters
  • Know who to contact for help. To report a water or wastewater fault or emergency call Urban Utilities 24/7 on 13 23 64