Works commence for Sommers Road extension

Image of Sommers Road

Three remote property owners west of Boonah will soon have access to the Scenic Rim’s sealed roads network thanks to a tailored agreement with Council.

The collaborative solution to extend Sommers Road was reached between Scenic Rim Regional Council's Asset and Sustainability teams and the residents.

After a competitive process, Council appointed local specialised civil contractor Klan Bros Earthmoving to carry out the works.

Mayor Greg Christensen said the outcome is a win-win situation for all involved.

“It’s a credit to our Council teams and our residents to have found such an innovative, positive solution to this long-standing issue,” he said.

“Out of this agreement, local residents get a fully functioning road to keep them connected and Council expands the region’s road network with a brand new, high-quality road.

“Works have commenced and the residents have entered into a payment plan with Council to get them connected quicker, with Council responsible for ongoing maintenance as part of its regular roads program, spanning over 1,750 kilometres."

Mayor Greg Christensen said he hopes that this agreement paves the way for more properties to be connected and offers his advice for prospective residents looking to buy land in the Scenic Rim.

“We urge all potential home-owners in the Scenic Rim to do their due diligence before buying a property, including road access,” he said.

“It’s not as simple as requesting a road to your house – there is a process which can be of great cost to the residents.

"Buyers need to check if their road is covered under Council’s maintained roads list and, if not, weigh up the costs of building the road themselves."

Sommers Road resident’s spokesperson Craig Thompson commended the efforts of local businesses as part of these works.

"It was a great feeling to see the Klan Brothers' machinery roll up to cut the earth,"

"I'd like to thank Council and particularly Scenic Rim visionaries ACS Engineers and Bartholomew & Co who were instrumental in creating this innovative solution, it's a great use of Council’s balance sheet to promote economic growth."