New waste trucks hit the road with important messages: reduce waste, recycle more, reuse more
New waste collection trucks will hit Scenic Rim roads this Thursday emblazoned with Council's back-to-basics waste education campaign calling on residents, businesses and visitors to reduce waste, recycle more and reuse more.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council's new waste collection contract with J.J. Richards is not only catering for the region's growing population with revised waste collection routes and times, but also included new livery on four trucks.
"Our waste collection trucks are moving billboards and this new contract presented an opportunity to tailor the message for the Scenic Rim as we progress towards our target of zero avoidable waste to landfill," he said.
"To reach our landfill diversion targets and those set by the Queensland Government, we need to get back-to-basics to decrease the amount of waste we send to landfill and increase our recycling rates.
"Our tagline is 'Working together to keep the Scenic Rim spectacular' because it will take a collective effort by households, businesses and all levels of government to change the way we generate, collect, recycle and dispose of waste into the future.
"The call-to-action messages of reduce waste, recycle more and reuse more are complemented by images from across the region, of our mountains, rainforests, lakes and agricultural land that we need to protect.
"Last week Council adopted an updated Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy 2021-2026 outlining how we'll manage waste efficiently and in an environmentally responsible manner, while achieving a positive financial impact for Council and ratepayers."
Waste collection times on various Scenic Rim collection routes are changing from this Thursday, 1 July, and residents are asked to have all bins kerbside by 6.00am on their designated waste collection day.
"Not only will the waste collection trucks look different, they may also be coming along your street at a different time, so we are asking residents to have bins out earlier so they don't miss their collection," Cr Christensen said.
"I know many will have their clocks set to the rumble of our waste collection trucks, however adjusted routes due to increased demand, may mean your collection time will be earlier or later than usual.
"In the lead up to National Recycling Week (8-14 November) we will be talking more about what waste management and resource recovery means for the Scenic Rim and this conversation will continue year-round through a targeted community education campaign."
More information is available from Council's website