Council funding supports a healthy and active community
Tai Chi is one of Council's activities in its Be Healthy and Active program.
Scenic Rim Regional Council will continue to invest in its popular Be Healthy and Active program that aims to create a healthier and more connected community.
Council’s 2021-2022 Budget is committing $90,000 to its Be Healthy and Active program, which spreads across 17 towns and villages in the Scenic Rim region.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said participation in group fitness programs and activities has been shown to have mental health benefits and programs such as Be Healthy and Active contribute to all-round community wellbeing.
“The program is breaking down barriers for Scenic Rim residents to participate in health and wellbeing programs by providing free or low-cost activities for all ages and abilities," he said.
“This supports our shared Community Plan vision for the region in nurturing healthy, engaged and resourceful communities.”
Last year, the program consisted of 42 different health and wellbeing activities delivered by 29 Scenic Rim businesses and community organisations.
The program has introduced new activities such as laughter yoga, mindful golf and skate and basketball programs for youth.
Despite the reduced schedule compared with the program pre-pandemic, all activities have returned to face-to-face delivery.
Cr Christensen said it is more important now than ever to encourage our community to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
“Although we continue to meet challenges with the pandemic, the program is evolving to instil positive change in our community," he said.
"We receive great feedback from the community on this program with participants saying it helps to reduce barriers of travelling distances and costs and provides incentives to join an organised fitness activity.
“The program also helps to raise the profile of our talented local health and wellbeing providers and community organisations.
“The benefits of this program extend beyond individual physical health, but to stronger social interactions and community connections.”
Council's Be Healthy and Active program was a finalist in the 2021 Local Government Managers Association Queensland Awards for Excellence under the 'Community Shaping' category.
A copy of the Scenic Rim Regional Council 2021-2022 Community Budget Report is available for download from Council's website: