"Bring an open mind" to public meetings on the proposed Water for Warrill Irrigation Project

Harrisville dairy farmer Paul Roderick

Harrisville dairy farmer Paul Roderick

Ahead of two public meetings on the proposed Water for Warrill Irrigation Project, Harrisville dairy farmer Paul Roderick is asking fellow irrigators to think laterally about what a more reliable water supply would do for their business.  

In the past 27 years Mr Roderick has seen his fair share of varied and unpredictable weather patterns causing boom or bust irrigation allocations from Moogerah Dam. 

“The key to shoring up the region’s agricultural industries into the future and underpinning any hopes for expansion is accessing reliable water from a new source to supplement the supply from Moogerah Dam,” explains Mr Roderick.  

The Scenic Rim Regional Council has engaged industry experts Jacobs to undertake a feasibility study to assess demand for additional water in the Warrill and Fassifern Valleys, map where the investment should logically be and conduct a full economic impact analysis.   

The feasibility study will provide a platform for Council to advocate to both the Australian and Queensland Governments for funding to access more water to expand the region's $263 million agriculture industry.   

“These meetings are an opportunity for industry and local government to have a two-way conversation to gauge demand and discuss price points, it’s not about firm commitments. We don’t have all the answers yet so we need to come together with an open mind,” Mr Roderick said.  

The meetings are best suited to potential investors and prospective commercial customers of the proposed Water for the Warrill Irrigation Project. Irrigators, financial institutions, other local businesses and members of the public are welcome to attend. 

Date: Tuesday 23 February 2021
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm  

Date: Thursday 25 February 2021 
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm  

These are COVID Safe events, RSVP essential.  A light supper will be provided at each event. 

RSVP with preferred date to Sue-Anne Chapman, Principal Specialist, Regional Prosperity, Scenic Rim Regional Council on (07) 5540 5477 or email prosperity@scenicrim.qld.gov.au

More information is available at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/say